Klas Akizisyon Lang Angle yo ofri ansèyman pou moun ki pa pale angle natif natal, bay elèv yo ladrès ki nesesè pou amelyore kapasite yo pou yo li, ekri, tande, ak pale. Elèv yo kapab enskri nan klas aswè oswa lajounen epi yo ba yo aksè a opòtinite aprantisaj sou Entènèt anplis ansèyman nan salklas pa yon pwofesè ki gen lisans. Klas yo ouvri pou tout granmoun, kèlkeswa nivo angle.
If you are interested in becoming a student or you are a previous student who would like to return to class, please complete an online registration and come to one of the upcoming orientations. If assistance is needed to register call 317-259-5275.
1. Register online on the registration date (the link will only be active on the date of registration).
**We CANNOT adjust or reschedule appointments.
**A confirmation email will be sent after you complete your registration.
**Children are not permitted at orientation or in classes.
2. Come to the orientation you selected
Orientation will be at Washington Township Services Center (former Northview Middle School). - 8401 Westfield Blvd, Door #4, Indianapolis, IN 46240
3. At orientation, you will complete language testing and be assigned to a class.
If your preferred class is not available, you will be added to a waitlist and contacted once a spot becomes available.
4. It's ok if you need to change your class choice.
If you need to change your class choice, please email ae-intake@msdwt.k12.in.us